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Pareri si impresii Regnum Bansko Hotel & SPA Bansko Ski Bulgaria. 2024

5 stele
Bansko, Ski Bulgaria - Vezi pe hartă

57 % recomandari
7 impresii
Impresiile Travel Planner (7)
Calitate / pret
Impresii pe Regnum Bansko Hotel & SPA

7 impresii reale, verificate 100% - Regnum Bansko Hotel & SPA

Impresii pe Regnum Bansko Hotel & SPA

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Bansko Ski Bulgaria


Recomand Travelplanner: 10
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Vacanta schi Bulgaria

Aveam o vaga idee despre acest hotel de 5* (care după mine e de 3***). A fost un mic compromis asumat din acest punct de vedere, dar a avut si părți bune care mie mi-au bifat criteriile de alegere a acestui hotel pentru 2 adulți cu 2 copii de gimnaziu, si anume: Am putut rezerva grand suita (2 dormitoare + 1 mic living cu bucătărie + 2 bai) - musai cu vedere înspre munte, cealaltă vedere era înspre o construcție neterminata de ani de zile a unui alt hotel, aproape ruina. Băile sunt renovate si curate, la fel prosoapele si halatele de baie. Deși am avut 2 bai, una dintre ele avea doar dus si chiuveta (nu avea WC). Mobilier învechit atât in camere cât si chicineta fără nici o urma de 5*. Pe jos parchet laminat. Camera destinata depozitarii echipament schi încuiată si accesata cu cardul de la camera - foarte utila ca si facilitate, dar neintretiunuta si neaerisită. Loc de joaca spațios pentru copii mici (nu am utilizat), masa de biliard contra cost Restaurant (demipensiune am avut noi) - ok, mâncarea destul de diversă - mi-a plăcut ca am găsit fructe, frunze multe din care îți puteai face diverse salate, feluri principale cu carne si fără carne, doar ca toate bălteau in ulei din greu. Personalul: - cameristele nu vorbesc nici un cuvânt in engleza, in restaurant, abia am găsit pe cineva sa înțeleagă ceva engleză, doar cei din recepție vorbeau engleza. Zona de spa: Piscina ok, zona cu cele 2 jacuzzi destul de îmbâcsită si neaerisită, Sauna ok. Avand 5 nopți am primit gratuit intrare la Regnum Banya Thermal (la 8 km de Bansko e in constructie un nou hotel Regnum care are piscine exterioare cu apa termală. A fost o surpriza plăcută si intre 3 zile de schi am strecurat si o zi de piscina in aer liber cu apa la 36 grade (am avut noroc si de o zi caldă cu soare). Jacuzzi avea apa cu temperatura de 39 si respectiv 42 grade. Oferă si transfer gratuit după un anumit program (noi am preferat sa mergem cu mașina personală ca sa nu depindem de program). Parcare gratuită si transfer gratuit la telecabina la fiecare jumătate de ora - se respecta programul, mașina ok, șofer ok. Raport calitate/preț ok, in alte locații 4* din Bansko prețul fiind aproape dublu pentru familia noastră.
Recomand Travelplanner: M-am documentat pe site, am pus comanda pentru sejur, am primit imediat pe email detalii legate de plata, proforme. Diverse posibilități de plata (inclusiv plata cash in euro la Unicredit). După efectuarea plății am primit voucherul de cazare pe email Multumesc
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Vacanta in Bulgaria,la Regnum Bansko Hotel & SPA

Buna ziua, Experienta a fost una neplacuta. Hotelul arata ca unul de maxim 3 stele.
Recomand Travelplanner: O comunicare excelenta!
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Hotel bun

Hotel bun
Recomand Travelplanner:
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Excelent 28.12 - 04.01.2014

Hotelul este de un 4 stele real,este foarte linistit la 15 min de partie (pe jos) Toate camerele foarte calduroase (desi am avut camera pe colt)au plita electrica, fierbator de apa, tacamuri, farfurii, dar nu ai vase de incalzit mancarea. Spa-ul este excelent dar aglomerat pe seara, se poate merge la piscina semiolimpica din spatele hotelului pt a inota in liniste Apa in cele doua piscine este calda (28gr) Jacuzzi-ul exterior costa 15 leva 40 minute si este senzational. Micul dejuns tip bufet este suficient! Cu preparate calde/reci si se schimba cam la 2 zile.Au automat de nescafe, espresso contra cost 1,5 euro Cina tip bufet este de asemenea suficienta! Au mancaruri traditionale, salate, fructe proaspete si prajituri locale.
Recomand Travelplanner: Una din cele mai bune si prompte agentii de turism!! Am fost 23 de persoane din care 9 copii, am modificat de cateva ori datele plecarii/sosirii/a camerelor si cu toate aceste modificari am fost serviti cu o punctualitate si promptitudine desavarsita! Multumesc Travel planer
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Cazare de nivel mediu cu prezentare pompoasa

Am decis sa-mi scriu mai jos impresiile direct in limba engleza, nu din snobism, insa din speranta ca in acest fel va va fi Dvs. mai usor sa transmiteti opiniile partenerilor bulgari, printr-un simplu "cut-copy-paste": The hotel (Regnum -- is not situated right next to the gondola, but it's fairly close to for those who have a car and can afford to drive to the starting point for skiers. The hotel introduces itself as a four-star one, but services are far poorer than that. Below are my highlights from our vacation Jan. 4- Jan. 14: - we always had to chase parking lots around the hotel; even the underground garage, which costs 5 euros a night to park, didn't have them at all times; besides, the parking spaces right in front of the hotel were constantly full of snow and ice, with absolutely no one bothering to clean them. Upon our arrival I had to shovel away the snow for 30 minutes in order to be able to unpack the car; the thing that drove me mad was when I saw hotel security people taking bribes to "reserve" parking spaces, which they claimed were for... the hotel management! When I complained to the reception they said they understand the situation but that there's nothing they can do! - the rooms are decent but have problems with the cleaning, changing of sheets and equipments: after having waited in vain for four days for someone to make our room, I had to ask reception to send a cleaning team over, and there was still dust under the bed even after that. The water was leaking under the shower tube and no one ever fixed it, while water was dropping constantly on top of our heads while in front of the bathroom sink; the reception manager told us there's nothing they can do because that's a problem of the manufacturing of the water boilers (!?!?). Similarily, the little kitchen in the apartment was poorly equipped: no microwave, no electric boiling kettle, no pans or pots, not even a sponge and cleaning detergent; just some plates and cutlery. We've only received a few items after asking at the reception. - there was not even one day for us to enjoy a hot breakfast, although we were among the early risers, having breakfast at 7:30. All the fried eggs, sausages and the other stuff that was supposed to be hot or at least warm, was cold or, at most, lukewarm; in the evening, the problem was similar very often. This problem was due to the fact that they loaded the food in trays much earlier and no one of the personnel ever cared to re-heat the water below the trays. Another thing that I found disgusting was that plates were very often insufficiently washed, having traces of dirt on them. Besides, if anyone wanted a glass of water for dinner, they had to buy it for 4 leva (2 euros) a 200 ml bottle, although the water machine was nearby but "blocked" in the evening... - the hotel does not have enough facilities for ski boots and skis drying and warming so we literally had to end our skiind day earlier every day firt to make sure we find a free parking lot and secondly to find room for our boots and skis. Moreover, since the ski depot was kept locked, almost every day we had to chase/search the guy in charge in the entire hotel to come and open the place for us; he acted as if he did us a service, although the facility was included in the price...! - the swimming pool is small and heavily chlorinated; the two dry saunas are insufficient for a hotel that was almost fully booked, in the sense that people were queuing for a seat in the sauna. And last but not least, believe it or not, although one had to pay 5 leva (2.5 euros) to rent a bath robe, they didn't have one for me for 7 days!!!
Recomand Travelplanner: O agentie excelenta, o experienta surprinzator de placuta. As recomanda o relatie mai serioasa si mai responsabila cu agentiile omoloage pe relatia Bulgaria (eu numai pe Bansko am folosit serviciile Travel Planner) in sensul ca ceea ce se ofera sa si fie adevarat. Mie mi s-au propus initial 3 variante si in final a fost doar o a patra, in alta parte decat mi s-a propus initial si de fiecare mi s-a invocat motivul a parterenerii bulgari nu fac "update-ul" capacitatilor de cazare la timp... Cred aceasta motivatie, tocmai de aceea sugerez un pic de munca si persistenta in plus pe directia asta.
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Intrebari frecvente despre Regnum Bansko Hotel & SPA

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